Saturday, January 31, 2009

Friday, January 30, 2009

Diandra- "a precious diamond"

It was a couple of months ago when I first met Diandra. She was walking down 34th street and I took one look at her and was like "Wow... That girl is beautiful!" She was moving soooo fast and I was not going to let this one slip by! So I finally caught up with her and spoke to her about modeling and she was very interested. We met up a lot of times after that and then I started to take pictures of her as often as we can. There was somthing specific that I wanted to do with her becuase I knew she was a special girl and we both worked towards achieving that. I finally presented her to agencies when she was ready to be revealed, and it was such a pleasure for me to finally share this precious diamond that I have been keeping under the radar. I am proud to say that Diandra is now signed to Elite.

Thank you to everyone for all of the positive messages!
este é o meu primeiro outfit aqui no blogue

uma camisa branca básica, uma cardigan cinzenta, umas calças azul/roxo :p , umas DC, uns brincos clássicos antigos e uma argola, uma pulseira dourada roubada da mãe, umas molas para segurar o cabelo e um casaco preto.
e isto foi basicamente o meu outfit que usei hoje na escola :D

Thursday, January 29, 2009

a minha última aquisição:
adoro as minhas DC :p

Just someting I made

Few months ago i had to get rid off some old jacket..part of that jacket was this fur, so i was thinking what to do with it...this is what came out of it. I love it!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Rose Cordero

Rose is a star! Big things coming for her soon.. keep your eyes on her. = )